You will be spending more time at home over the next few weeks. You need to stay proactive and protect your mental health. Here are my top tips to help you avoid getting distracted.
Don’t work in bed. It can be very tempting to grab a coffee, your laptop and just start working from your sheets. If you begin working from bed you could run into a couple of problems. Your bed will make you feel tired and you won’t be your most productive self. The second issue that you could encounter involves your mental health. Get yourself up, make your bed, wash your face and get yourself changed. Put yourself in a good position to star your day.
Declutter your workspace. Set yourself up to succeed. Get yourself a workspace that is separate from your safe space/ relaxing space. My space is my kitchen table. I made sure to have everything I needed within reach, so I wasn’t making excuses to wander round the room. Each evening, tidy up your space so you start each working day with a clear mindset. This will help you stay focused on your workload and remain more focused on a work experience.
Stick to a routine. A sacred morning ritual is something I no longer struggle with. My alarm is set to the same time each morning, I lay out my outfit every night and prepare my lunch the night before. I maintain my healthy diet and exercise regularly, whether that is stretching, yoga, meditation or a HIIT session.
Set yourself tasks. Break down your work tasks. I have broken down the list of tasks that I have into smaller more manageable tasks to see progress clearly. Completing your to-do list encourages positive feelings and manages your overall expectations. Win-win.
Take regular breaks. Give yourself some brain breaks every couple of hours. Not just a coffee break either! Go or a walk around the block, read a book for 10 minutes, listen to some music or even have a dance break. Do something that just takes your mind off work for 10 minutes.
While working at home it is important to make sure you are practicing good mental health and communicating your emotions to your friends and family. Open up if you are struggling and don’t forget to be productive during this testing time.