Why you need a personal website

The career world, no matter what field you enter, has always been competitive.  Nowadays, with the current state of the economy, finding a job straight out of college is a rare occurrence.  When it comes to you and your career, however, the person who knows you best is you!  As mentioned in my previous article, this young generation is consumed by social media and the world of the internet.  Instead of spending hours scrolling through your news feed and updating yet another status, I want to encourage you to consider creating a personal website.

You may be asking yourself: What will this do for me? First off it’s a website, created by you, for you.  Its purpose is to showcase who you are personally and professionally and the benefits of creating a personal are endless.  With your website you’re putting yourself one step ahead of your peers, showing initiative and dedication to your craft.  It takes both an excessive amount of time and patience to build, create, and uphold a website.  It will prove to future potential employers and or clients that you are serious about, and dedicated to, the success of your future.

A personal website allows you to explore where you want to go with your career and how you want to present yourself.  It gives you the chance to constantly evolve through changes you make to improve both the look of your site and its number of visitors.  We as people are constantly changing.  Who you are now is not who you were a year ago.  Updating and revamping your site is a part of the process and as you adjust personally your professional goals may alter as well.  Having your own website will give you the chance to reflect on where you want to go with your career next as well as the best way to go about doing so.  Your website will also allow you to create a name for yourself through your brand, or what you stand for.  Your brand defines you, your values, your ambitions, your goals, etc. It’s a representation of you as whole and a way for your readers to identify with you. It opens up your creative and professional worlds and combines them to live in one space. You decide what you post for the world to see, you decide on its design; you are in control so choose wisely.