Valentine’s Weekend is a time for movies

As that dreaded 14th February glee lingers in the air, singletons subject themselves across the globe to the sympathetic head-tilt, the “Oh you’ll find someone” and the overly gushing Valentine’s request from someone who’s so far in the friend zone, they’re practically a brother. It seems the world is telling us that we should be looking for a fairytale ending right away.


At this time of year, it seems almost as though hitting adulthood has come with a countdown timer until you’ve hit the moment when you’re too old for being alone to be acceptable. We all know in our heart of hearts that this concept is archaic. The world is still our oyster and we have far too many plans to make a permanent space for someone just yet. Nevertheless, it’s all too easy to fall into the old patter of wanting that special someone.


There are several options to cure this insecurity and the first most effective prescription is a dose of close friends. The second is a good old movie. If we combine the two, we have ourselves the perfect medicinal concoction. So here are my top five movies that, teamed with a girly night, plenty of chocolate and perhaps a tipple of your choice can bring us back down to earth and remind us that our twenties and thirties should be enjoyed.


1. Freaky Friday

“You are a smart, strong, independent woman and you don’t need a man to complete you.”

Who doesn’t need to hear this message once in a while? How better to hear it than from the lips of Jamie Lee Curtis. This film is undeniably a guilty pleasure, a kick back from our sleepovers in our early teens and one not to be missed when you need a pick-me-up.


2. Hitch

“Basic principles… There are none.”

As a film that explores whether playing games and working the dating scene to our advantage really is the way to true love, Hitch is the perfect answer to all those moments when cringe worthy dating experiences get the better of us.


3. He’s just not that into you

“We are all programmed to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk that means he likes you.”

On certain occasions, a happy ending is just not what we need to hear about. With its witty storylines and threads of not-so-envy inducing relationships, the pretty faces of this film present such a matter-of-fact and balanced view of relationships that it can’t help but make you feel a lot more positive about your own situation.


4. (500) Days of Summer

“You weren’t wrong Tom, you were just wrong about me.”

With its uniquely unpredictable storyline and charming characters, nothing can beat this film in demonstrating that when life doesn’t turn out quite the way we planned it, nothing is to say that something better won’t come along.


5. Bridget Jones’ Diary

“I like you, very much. Just as you are.”

Our old friend Bridget never fails to remind us that we’ve all been there alone one night with an over-emotional Céline Dion track feeling a little sorry for ourselves. She does, however, leave us with the hope that no matter how many humiliating situations we find ourselves in, we can always bounce back.