The most challenging part about following your gut is self-doubt. It creeps up on most of us without warning. The moments where you wonder: Am I doing the right thing? Is this what I’m supposed to be doing for the rest of my life? How do you know if your dream job is right for you? You don’t really know what you’re doing after all, so what proof do you have that you’re not making the biggest mistake of your life?
First of all, nobody has it figured out. Everybody’s lost, some are just better at faking it than others. However here are some humble words of wisdom to remind you, you’re doing just fine.
You’re Scared: And rightfully so! Going after something that lights the fire within you and gives you a sense of purpose is terrifying. You have limited connections and have no clue as to where to begin and the idea of failure keeps you up at night. Sound familiar? Being scared means you care and you’re willing to do anything to stay afloat. That’s passion, that’s drive and that’s what will push you towards success.
You’ve Never Been Happier: You’re waking up bubbling with ideas and the thought of work energizes you! If you’re bursting at the seams over a new development in regards to your career, how could you doubt your path? The fact that you don’t dread the work you’re doing is saying a lot, especially when for most it’s just about paying the bills.
Negative Commentary Motivates You: Not everyone we come across in life is going to understand the path we’re on. Not everyone is going to believe in this dream we have for ourselves, but guess what? That’s okay! If you find a lack of support surrounding you and your first instinct is to prove them wrong, you’re already on your way to dominating your goals. If you’re as passionate about never giving up on yourself as you are about your ambitions, you can never fail.
You Consider Your Options: With negativity comes unwarranted advice. People often feel the need to share their thoughts on how we should be doing things and what we need to make a comfortable life for ourselves. If you find yourself considering their unsolicited words and still choosing to carve your own path, there’s nothing to worry about. You know what you want and you’re confident in your decision. People can talk, and they will, but in the end you decide your destiny.