This month, President Trump made it easier for employers to drop birth control coverage without copayments from their health insurance plans. His most recent move however will make birth control a lot more expensive and completely unattainable for many economic brackets. In response, American women are sending their birth control receipts to the White House, thanks to the campaign Keep Birth Control Copay Free. You can partake too.
The new campaign enables women to send an invoice for the amount birth control could cost them if insurance didn’t cover it. Using the invoice generator, you can easily calculate the average annual cost for your birth control and send the invoice straight to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The best part is the invoice will be filed as an official comment opposing the new rules before the public comment ends on December 5th. Bonus: you still have plenty of time.
Prior to Trump’s new administration policies, 62.4 million women had access to free birth control. Amy Runyon-Harms, the Keep Birth Control Copay Free campaign coordinator has told various media organisations: “Women are tired of footing the bill for male politicians’ attacks on essential reproductive health care.” “Together, we are pushing back against President Trump’s dangerous political decision to reduce access to birth control and today we are sending him the bill.”