Everyone’s encountered this girl at least once in their life—the girl who has it all together. She walks into the room with her head held high, and seems to know everybody in the room. No matter what the situation is, she’s always calm, cool, and collected, she knows what she’s doing, and manages to do it with a smile on her face.
Everyone has it in them to be that girl. All you need is a smile and a little bit of hard work.
Wake Up Early
I don’t know about you, but I always feel like I’ve wasted the day if I wake up after ten. The earlier I get up, the more motivated I feel to get work done, especially if it’s before ten. This will allow you to get work done before your day starts, and leaves you plenty of time to do fun things in the afternoon without having to stress about tasks that are unfinished.
Stay in the Present
Checking your social media can be fun and great, but if you’re always on your phone, you’re going to start to miss out, whether it’s at work or at home. People tend to seem uninterested in what’s happening around them if they’re on their phone, so put Twitter and Facebook away for a little and go after that promotion or make a new friend!
Keep Up With the News
Staying up with current events will not only educate you on other cultures, but is also an easy way to start small talk if you’re at a loss for something. And it can make you feel more connected to the rest of the world. This is as easy as checking AOL, Yahoo!, or a similar site whenever you have a moment of downtime. It can also be taking time to read the paper in the morning, checking the CNN app, or watching the news in the evening.
Balance Your Work and Your Social Life
Making sure that you’ve balanced your work life with your social life is key. In order to make sure that you don’t burn yourself out with one or the other balance the two Knowing that you have plans in the evening or for the upcoming weekend can make a long day at work seem shorter and make you happier. And if you’re happy, chances are that people will catch on, and they’ll be happy too.