The lazy girl’s guide to dealing with stress


Decide what is out of your hands. 

Between coffee runs, managing our social calendar as well as maintaining a healthy relationship and running a business, or at least thinking about it- stress is unavoidable. Recognise and identify the sources of stress in your life. It can be really easy to see the big changes that are stressing you out such as switching jobs, going through a break up or moving country but a lot of the time, stress is a build up. Think about the everyday tasks or issues that constantly stress or worry you. Notice the stressful parts of your work and home life that can be changed, either change them or learn how to minimise the amount of stress they are giving you.

Do what you love. 

It is internationally known that if you pursue a job or career you love, you will never work a day in your life. 75% of our day is consumed with working so why wouldn’t you make sure you love it? It will leave you more fulfilled and productive. A job is as much about personal fulfilment and growth as it is a salary. Not to forget that studies have even revealed that engaged employees have a higher productivity rate.

Embrace mistakes.

Always remember that there are no mistakes, just opportunities to learn from. Mistakes can spur you on, keep you motivated and keep you hungry for more. Not only do they keep you grounded and humble but will keep your ego in check as you are climbing the career ladder.

Manage your time well.

We all wish that there was more time in the day. Ever found yourself saying “if only there was a day between Saturday and Sunday?” More often than not, our time is limited and we wonder where all those hours have gone. Have a calendar on your bedside time and be strict with times so you can accomplish more in the day, it has been proven that we are more productive in the morning and when we exercise, so why not start the day off right and do both. Olivia Palermo reportedly works out everyday at 6am to Tracy Anderson, that can be you.

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