The Pros of being an introvert


  A shy, reticent person. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2014)

The Oxford English dictionary defines an introvert as a ‘shy, reticent person’. However, by confining someone who neither shouts about their every achievement, nor recognises them all themselves, to this restricted label, can we not accuse ourselves of being narrow-minded?

Is there more to people with introversion running through their genes than this textbook sweeping statement?

We all have more of a leaning toward being either extra- or introverted. By that logic, around half of the wonderful people we meet everyday, who may seem, on the surface, unremarkable because of their preference to withdraw from social situations, are introverts. Those more comfortable applying the latter of these two social descriptions to themselves may be shy. They may also be less confident. However, because of their hidden nature, their attributes are of incredible value. Not only can extraverts learn from them, for once, it’s time to recognise an innately subtle approach to life, a modesty and a firm grounding that characterises half of our population.

Why not, while we’re at it, redefine introversion?


The silent analyst

Extraverts are constantly being told to calm down, take a step back and not dive into a situation headfirst. Though no-less intelligent, an extravert can often stumble across challenges and perhaps miss fantastic opportunities that are hidden under the surface. An introvert, on the other hand, can see hidden opportunities by constantly taking a step back from the environment where impulsive decisions are demonstrated through a ‘pack-animal’ culture that social circles often create.


The socially independent 

Having looked at an example that boxes a group of people into a narrow definition, undeniably hidden behind the surface of any introvert is someone who can think outside of the box and who is not reliant on social patterns to make their own decisions. Being content in our own company, as often the introverts among us are, is key to enriching self-confidence and is an example that we might find useful to follow.


An example of quiet confidence

Psychologists separate shyness from introversion. Moreover, they often highlight that the most extraverted of us often have sociable behavioural patterns that demonstrate blatant insecurity. Not a single person on the planet is totally secure with their every decision. Nor can many see their own value. Extraverts may prosper in a social environment in which they are congratulated on their achievements, but does this really make them more confident? They are experts on stamping out their insecurities. Introverts, meanwhile, happily put themselves into situations where they are comfortable, with out any pretence.


A source of inspiration

Like any Scriptoeris writer, I believe that every person has a unique value. Anyone who is lacking in confidence, whether introverted or not, has the opportunity to inspire others. The innate ability to extract oneself from social conventions to deal with situations objectively is an asset that all extraverts are envious of. Likewise, shying away from being showered with compliments and being contented with your work being silently appreciated is something that may be alien to extraverts but this dignified modesty is an example that everyone can learn from.


Consequently, whether you find it hard to recognise any of these alternative definitions in yourself, and feel that the first suits you fine, or struggle to see them in others, it is always worth taking a second look. There may be a person right by you who could inspire you to success, or benefit from your example. In a society that is becoming increasingly commercial and less and less sociable. So, let’s sprinkle a bit more introversion into our melting pot and see how life becomes a bit more settled. Remember there are two types of people in the world for a reason. Don’t undervalue those who fit into a different category and appreciate the way you were made as you could be inspiring those around you.