Throughout the schooling we’ve undergone, mentors have been everywhere. Chances are you’ve been assigned one based on what you’re studying, but mentors are thrown at you left and right when you’re younger. Or if they’re not, they’re pretty easy to find, because the adults you look up to are people who run the clubs and activities you’re interested in.
All of a sudden, you’re thrown in to the real world with almost no direction, and you’re expected to fend for yourself. You feel lost, like you’re drowning in a sea of possibilities, and you don’t know how to refine it down to what’s important to you. Maybe you’re just looking for someone to help you out at your job whenever you have a problem.
Whatever the reason, a mentor is always going to be important to have. They’re usually wiser and have a lot more experience. They can help you resolve your problems and answer all of your questions, from what to avoid in the cafeteria to what printer to use at work. They can also help you figure out long term and short-term goals, and perhaps put in a good word for you if you’re seeking a promotion.
If you’re lucky, one of your mentors from your schooling is in the same subject field as you and can help you out. However, in most cases, while your mentors so far have been great, they’re probably not going to be too helpful with your current situation.
Finding a mentor can be hard, especially in a new environment, but it’s not impossible. Look for someone who works with you and has been working there for a while. Chances are, they’ll be able and willing to help you out with what you need. Over time, as your relationship develops, you’ll have found a mentor, and maybe even a friend.
Also look to the people who run the group you’re working in. They’re knowledgeable in the field, know what they’re doing and can keep you motivated which is essential at the very beginning. It’s their job to answer questions that you have, so don’t feel nervous to shoot them an email or talk to them when you both have some free time. While they might not be willing to take you under their wing, they might direct you towards someone who is willing to do so.
You’re never going to be one hundred percent alone wherever you go; it’s just a matter of finding the right people. Once you do, it’s smooth sailing from there on out.