The 3 ways go getters think differently


“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” Albert Einstein

Over the years, motivational speakers swear that we need to sabotage our negative thinking and the thoughts developing from our self-conscience to start living a more powerful and prosperous life. The last 5 percent is crucial and could be the bridge between leading a mediocre life to the one you’re meant to be living.

Focus on the why 

Go-getters have to keep their why in mind rather than fantasise about a future salary or living in the Bahamas. There will be easy times as well as hard and when it seems to be getting on top of you you’ll be able to think of all the reasons why you shouldn’t continue. Instead, remember why you started and remember your passion behind it.  Even if you are just lacking motivation, go back to when you started.

Don’t fear failure or success 

Elizabeth Gilbert, the powerhouse behind “Eat, Pray, Love” spoke beautiful about her fear, her trepidation that her best work was behind her. Elizabeth Gilbert describes her paralysis in her beautiful TED talk. She continued forward though in spite of her success. The show must go on, you’ll never fulfil of all your potential unless you keep going.

Take responsibility for your life

Stop playing the victim and start taking reponsibility for your life. You are responsible for how you respond to life, not how you react to it. If something doesn’t work out, don’t look for somebody to blame, not only does this waste time but it kills productivity. You can’t get your time back so learn from your past mistakes and move on. Nobody can put you in a bad mood, you have to choose your mood everyday and decide how to react to something. People will annoy you, disappoint you and let you down but remember, you have bigger fish to fry. Happiness is a choice, don’t let it happen to you, go after it.




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