There are ups and downs to anything in life. It’s the way we grow and learn for future experiences. The public relations industry has those ups and downs just like any other industry. As a young professional in this fast paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in the downsides. You just have to remember the upsides outweigh them all. Being able to deal with these challenges, and taking the time to appreciate the good things about public relations jobs, is important to workplace. From having the chance to participate in great campaigns and exercise creativity, to dealing with tough deadlines, it’s worth evaluating the ups and downs of being in the public relations industry.
There are plenty of upsides to working in the public relations industry. You not only get the chance to network all the time, but also be able to work on so many projects. Being young in this career field means you’re a sponge. You get to soak up so much information from all departments.
This job means working as part of a team, and within a professional community, will be inspiring. Working hard and pushing yourself is also an important part of a job, and is key to creating motivation for future work. Yes, there is a lot of hard work, but talent does get recognized with persistence.
This is an industry based on getting things done in a professional, quick manner, so being diligent is a must. Building these skills by being immersed in the world of PR can translate into getting promoted or starting your own firm.
There is a flipside to the PR industry though. There are long, unsociable hours, and constant deadlines. That can put a strain on anyone, and the stress of starting out as a young professional can be exhausting. Being in this type of industry, you need to be able to deal with criticism, and prove yourself.
Also, the irregularity that can make PR work exciting can spill over into a lack of job security, and a difficulty in focusing. Balancing work life and social life can be difficult as well. Working those long hours means there can be little time for yourself. You have to be motivated and really want to be in this industry to stay afloat.
There is a reason for coffee after all. With the upsides there are downsides to anything in today’s world. In the PR industry there are those grueling downsides, but the upsides outweigh them all. You just have to remember why you started in the first place and things will follow into place.