“Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken”. – Oscar Wilde
Why would you want to be anyone but yourself? Oscar Wilde was onto something when talking about standing out. Being unique and different is something you should take advantage of in everyday life and in professional settings. Those traits are also what launches personal brand online. A personal brand is like your personal style, but for your online presence. Some of you are probably asking why you would need a personal brand in the first place. Say you want to start a business, you need to figure our who you are and what your brand represents. We are all empowering and driven ladies so let’s show the world who we are ! Here are seven steps to create a personal brand:
Make a list– Write down everything you are interested in, qualities you love about yourself, hobbies, etc. Narrow it down until you find something you are absolutely passionate about. Is it fashion, volunteering, cooking? Go for it!
Create a name– Come up with a name that will stand out from the crowd. If you need help, ask! There are plenty of creative friends and colleagues that would be more than willing to help you create your personal brand. You don’t have to create one if you don’t want to. Your name makes you stand out too!
Get online– If you don’t already have a Twitter or Instagram, time to create one. Having an online presence will help you connect with others and grow your brand. Don’t forget to keep it professional! No one wants to see negative or obscene content on a professional account. That will ruin your reputation in a second.
Start a personal website– This will also aid to your online presence if you want to share photos, create a store, or blog posts. A blog or website can also serve as a place to show your portfolio and professional work.
Time to network– Think of the three C’s when it comes to networking: community, college/university, and colleagues. There are so many professional networks, online groups, and important people around you to connect with and share your personal brand. Networking is key to growing your brand, so take advantage of it.
Create goals– Without being organized and creating goals for blog posts, going to networking events, or taking part in Twitter chats, your brand cannot grow. Where do you want to be in a month? Year? You need to plan these out and achieve them accordingly.
Be you– creating a personal brand takes a lot of time and effort. Be true to who you are and you will be much happier in the long run. Showing off what sets you apart from others is something to recognize, and they will see that.
A personal brand isn’t created overnight, it takes time to create a brand you are proud of and the more you invest in your brand – the more you invest in yourself.