Messy room, lost purse and papers everywhere. This was my life, in fact organisation is definitely something I have had to work on. I was in an equestrian accident last year so everything has been piling up, and I mean everything. I got my ducks in a row and am now sharing exactly how I organised my life in a day, and how you can too.
Start now
There is no time like the present. Just start somewhere, and right now. It is a lot better than not starting at all. It is also better to have slow progress instead of no progress, remember that slow and steady wins the race.
Write out a plan
Putting pen to paper will make your tasks more concrete. Planning your actions out,, or where you want to begin, and end can make organising go a lot smoother. You can do this by setting a list of goals for yourself. Place this list somewhere that you can see it, such as near your calendar. The fridge and bathroom mirror can also be wonderful places to put your list of goals.
Try to carry out daily tasks at the same time
Get up at the same time each morning and go to bed the same time each night. If you go to the gym, or do any other activities try to do them at the same time and day of each week. Be strict with time and repetitive too, they are important in order to become an organised person. Your mind will get used to this new routine and will start helping you out, you won’t even need that alarm clock anymore.
Purge your social media
Go through every account you follow on Instagram and stop following the profiles making you feel bad about yourself. On Facebook, there are an array of inactive pages so feel free to unlike them as well. It can also be anxiety inducing having such an overwhelming newsfeed. Consider deleting friends off your social media if they’re no longer in your life.
Clear out your devices
I completely understand that your phone is just as important as the rest of your life. Download all the pictures off your phone and save them to a computer. Delete text messages and pictures in messages you no longer need. It is important to update your contacts or delete people you may no longer speak to. Consider deleting all that spam and junk mail sitting in your folders. If you have emails you need to get to later, create a new folder entitled “Pending” or “To get back to,” as a reminder to return to the folder.
Always be prepared
Start working on your organisational skills and put these tips to the test yourself. Get your things together and start making sure you are prepared for each day by getting organised the night before. Preparation is key, because it is important to start your day on the best note it can.
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