Gracefully walking towards the podium about to shake the University VP’s hand I seemed to be floating. I had a vision of an apartment in Manhattan, overlooking the New York skyline with the moon beam shining on the rooftop of the perfect home.. my perfect home. What I had not foreseen though was the mountain of bills left unopened on my coffee table, the realisation that rent is actually due monthly and the fact that student loans were gradually dissolving and the pennies
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The most important component to keep in mind when heading back to the nest is to set up ground rules within the household. This is not
a free ride, in order to show that you have matured during college and are serious about your future, set up a contract to share the utility and related bills. It may seem that when a woman takes up the position of ‘mother’ she instantly becomes head chef but just as much as you wouldn’t envision this,
neither does your mum. Therefore, cooking here and there will have your close ones respecting you a lot more and besides, it never hurt to help out with
the cleanliness of your surrounding environment.
Moving home is a luxury; your parents aren’t required to take you in and neither should it be expected. Treat the household with respect. Maybe you face a Monica Gellar scare i.e. witnessing your room being turned into a gym or perhaps it has become a walk in wardrobe or just maybe your parents have moved. Seize this as an opportunity to push you into looking for a new place , do not sit on the sofa watching re-runs of ‘The Hills’ or ‘National Geographic’ no matter how cute that chipmunk is. Instead, start saving by getting a part time job or gain experience by interning to help you out regarding your CV.
Your room shall not be filled with rose petals welcoming you home and the door mat won’t say ‘come on in, you’re a great person’ so never forget that your parents are no longer obligated to keep a roof over your head. Complacency equals harmony and after battles over the television remote or whose turn it is to take out the garbage, I have learnt that battles should be chosen. On the up side, I have never been closer to my family and my support system has definitely increased. By coming home I didn’t opt for the easy road and in fact my determination became stronger. I saved money over a nine month period with a part time job; I took on an internship and really began to understand where I wanted to be in the world. It was thanks to this experience that I can now look up at the moon which is shining on my perfect home and say that I worked to achieve this moment right here.