7 things successful women do on a Monday

Get up early 

Create a morning ritual that includes saying thanks for your blessings. Love being able to wake up and greet a fantastic new day. It was the Dalai Lama who said: “Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life’, I am not going to waste it.”

Research people who emulate you

There will be people who you admire, who you would like to be like and people who are that step closer to achieving their dream than you are. Rather than be envious or jealous, read up on them on your way to work. Look at their Linkedin profile and the steps they needed to take to be where you would like to be. You could even approach them and ask for them to serve as a mentor.


Jennifer Aniston each morning wakes, drinks hot water with lemon and meditates for 20 minutes. Aniston isn’t alone, both Miranda Kerr and Oprah do the same. Monday is the best day to meditate because it sets you up for the week. Take time out to breathe and think of yourself, this alone will fill your body and mind with ideas.

Seek inspiration

Some watch Ted Talks, others scour the world for inspiration. You should be doing the later. As humans, we all crave love. To give it and to receive it. In order to feel moved and full of joy and purpose you will need to seek daily inspiration. Go for a walk in the woods, draw a scene or take photos. Whatever it is, Monday is a great day to start a weekly inspiration ritual.

Face your challenges head on

Leaders know that their ambitions usually involve some kind of self-doubt or fear. No matter what challenges leaders face, they move forward regardless. So often we turn away from life rather than toward it. We are in fact, masters of avoidance. To enjoy life though, you have to accept the whole rollercoaster.

Write a to-do list

Writing a to-do list for the week creates order. Both Marie Curie and Frida Kahlo kept journals. Writing is an easy way to break down projects and plans to make them doable. Not only is it soothing but an excellent strategy that holds you accountable too.

Think long-term

Many believe that people who think long-term aren’t living in the present moment. It isn’t a tradeoff though, fighting for your end goal is crucial to live the dream life that is waiting for you. Every Monday, think about your end goal, the thing you want to achieve by the following week. It sounds simple but is very powerful because with this clear picture in mind, you will have something that will guide your actions in the present.



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