Making a lasting impression

Nowadays, an essential skill to nail is that of making a great and lasting impression. Whether it be an abundance of new friends at work or meeting copious amounts of new students in college from all part of the world. How we make this happen varies because we all have our own unique charm and charisma that belong to us alone, but there are three universal steps we should all follow.   First we have physicality, i.e. facial expressions, gestures, and so on.  Next we have acting confident, even when you’re shaking in your boots.  And finally, last but not least, be yourself.  Cliché, but actually applicable.

Physicality- First and foremost be careful and articulate when choosing how you stand or sit and how you react (or don’t react).  Stand tall or sit straight because posture is everything.  You want to seem approachable, but not intimidating.  If you look comfortable you’ll make those around you feel comfortable too.  Be open to discuss whatever comes up by giving a reassuring nod or smile to your peers so they know that you’re listening and that you understand that what they want to say is important to them.  Be animated in the way you respond physically through positive facial expressions and warm gestures.  It will keep the conversation light and will ease any tension or awkwardness.  This form of communication is important because everyone wants to feel like they are heard.  It’s also important to keep eye contact because by intentionally looking right at them they know you’re paying attention and that you care.

Acting Confident- Confidence is something many people struggle with and sometimes you have to fake it.  Taylor Swift has a few words to say about this: “I think that a trick for confidence, when you’re not feeling confident, is to throw your shoulders back and be friendly to people. I think the easiest thing to do when you’re not feeling confident is to just act confident until you are again, because confident is not something anyone feels 100% of the time.” It’s not about actually being confident, it’s about pretending you are.  It’s about not giving in to your insecurities and doubts and just acting like you should be there when it’s the last place you want to be.  Not only do you need to animate your physical gestures but your words as well.  Let people know how passionate you are about the things you love.  Talking about your interests is the number one thing that truly allows people to get to know the real you.  Allow yourself to open up a little to the world around you.  You never know who you’ll meet and who will feel as strongly as you do.  Be confident, but humble in how you portray yourself. Let people know that you have faith in yourself but you have faith in those around you as well.

Be Yourself- It’s the oldest piece of advice in the book, but it’s also the truest and most meaningful.  The best way to meet the right people is sticking to your values and beliefs.  The people who understand and get that will find you when you let your true colors show.  This is your moment and people will see right through that fake persona you try to pull off, so why bother?  This is your life and it’s about time you started taking control of it.  There’s no need to hide who you are.  Everyone gets nervous; everyone gets intimidated, so why not embrace that? We’re all in the same boat. When it comes to meeting new people and starting off with a good impression the first thing you should aim to do is be you.  There is no one else like you so take advantage of the opportunity for them to get to know you instantly.