Learning to Laugh

As it gets closer to Christmas and building pressures and deadlines can really test your patience, there is one test like none other; testing your sense of humour. Everyone knows that having a good laugh is the world’s best natural therapy and 15 mins can actually burn 40 calories. Therefore, here at Scriptoeris, we have come up with a few ideas of how to overcome certain annoying niggles that endeavor to get you down.


Post-mascara sneezes

When this catastrophe invades your routine, you’re inevitably in a blinding hurry. It feels like the end of the world. The subsequent scrabble around to remove what appears to be an indelible impression of eyelashes above your beautifully blushed cheekbones is no fun task. Think of how you could bemuse and amuse people with your involuntary impersonation of the protagonist of ‘A Clockwork Orange’. Allow yourself to smile. After all, it’s nothing a Q-tip with a spot of face cream can’t sort in seconds.


Bodily malfunctions

If you’re not a make-up person and can’t quite identify with the last one, there’s no way you’ve never banged your head or stubbed your toe. Just like having a face covered in misguided make-up, burning your tongue whilst tucking in to what would have been an exquisite risotto makes you feel like the apocalypse may as well head your way too. At the end of the day, if you’ve burnt your tongue, that’s just an excuse to cool it down with ice cream. If you’ve been caught off-hand by an explosive sneeze, and don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about, enjoy finally allowing yourself to actually use a floral tissue that you usually just admire peaking out of your handbag.


Going in the wrong direction on public transport

One word sums up this experience: panic! No terror quite compares. That ominous cloud of dread that shrouds your whole body as an uncomfortable, suspicious smelling vehicle trundles you off in some unknown direction feels completely unbearable. You thought you were doing your bit for the environment by not heading out in the car and this is how it repays you. This is, however, nothing a few apologetic phone calls, an inexpensive bus fare and a good laugh with your friends later cannot solve. Why not have a giggle whilst doing it? You never know, going in the wrong direction could have you bumping into your soulmate.

Being splashed by a car

Oh, that Bridget Jones moment that you thought would never come. Just remember how much you laughed as that malicious muddy London puddle soaked Bridge’s floral summer skirt. Getting angry about something like this, no matter how certain you are that the driver of the offending car had a good old chuckle as they drove away, is completely self-destructive. Had it been the other way round, wouldn’t you have laughed? Remember that in this often-cyclical world, you will one day find yourself on the other side of this situation and instead be the one skulking away in your car feeling rather embarrassed.

Losing your page

As you settle down ready to get engrossed in a new novel that you are finally getting round to reading. Whether your darling housemates or beloved family keep interrupting, this is a dead-cert trigger to irritability. So, take yourself away from the situation, pop your headphones in, or enjoy the company of those clearly craving your attention. After all, the book has been waiting long enough to be read anyway!


It’s incredible how these trivial things can really spoil your day. However, you will be amazed at how laughing about the small things that go wrong will enable you to have a similar outlook on the more important things in your life. Consider it self-therapy and stay positive. Have a laugh. The countdown till Christmas is about to start and that’s enough to make anyone happy.