Learning more outside the classroom

One of the best parts about attending a College or University are the variety of ways to be involved in campus life.  These are the years you should be opening yourself up to new experiences, new ways of thinking and avail yourself to the opportunities to explore the world around you.   In order to make an impression upon your future employers you have to be able to show you did more than pass your classes to earn your degree.  Having extracurricular activities such as volunteer work, participation in societies and clubs, and even part time work experience, will put you ahead of the other applicants.  After spending four years stuck in classrooms you don’t want to be completely lost entering the work field. Welcoming chances for growth and awareness, through the on campus events, is the best thing you can do for yourself.

You’ll learn things you never could in the classroom.  There’s only so much that a professor can teach you in an hour and a half twice a week.  Their job is to provide the lesson and make sure you understand it.  Your job is to take that lesson and apply it to your everyday life.  If you don’t take advantage of opportunities to evolve and develop your skills you’re only hurting yourself.

It’s not all about the paycheck.  Of course the ultimate goal is to make a living from this job, but nobody wants to hire someone without passion.  Participation in your college life, other than just attending classes, proves you will go beyond what is expected of you.  It lets the interviewer know you are willing to take on the responsibilities of the job.

You’ll experience the world in a new light.  In college you come across all different kinds of people, from all walks of life.  In order to truly start to see things differently and have a better understanding of those around you, you need to open yourself up. Push yourself to sign up for that seminar, join that club you’re hesitant about.  You need to be around people similar and different to you to mature and expand your outlook.  No matter what field you end up  in you are going to encounter people you butt heads with and you need to know how deal with that professionally.

You want to come out of your college experience as a well-rounded individual, and getting involved with your school and what they offer is the best way to achieve that.  These four years are your last before you enter the world of employment and being an adult.  Make the most of the time you have to become a better, wiser, stronger person while you can.  You never know how beneficial it could actually be for your future and accomplishing the goals you’ve set for yourself.  Reach far and wide, because the harder you work for what you want, the closer you’ll be to earning it.