One of my best friends once used the most perfect analogy to describe friendship. “Friends are like clothes,” she said, “One friend may be an everyday item whilst another is a special occasion dress.” Not only is it true but, with this in mind, I have been able to stay in touch with friends across the globe. As our lives get busier and distance grows between us and our friends, keeping in touch can seem impossible. However, by taking a peak at our wardrobe of friends and recognising the value of the comfy everyday wear items and the timeless classics, we can really learn to make the most of the different friendships we have.
‘The Scruffy Laid-back jeans”
This friend is no less glamorous than the rest, as their pseudonym may imply. They are someone that your week is not the same without. The friendship may take some wear and tear (you have more time to get fed up of each other) but you should never take them for granted, as you will miss them if they later become a less frequent ‘wear’. After all, they are with you through thick and thin.
“The Cropped Shorts”
Those scruffy jeans may have had to be chopped down, and they may only escape the wardrobe when the sun is truly shining bright. However, time spent with them, though of reduced frequency, is good fun. When your lives take different paths, it may be hard to adapt to the transition of them no longer being there everyday. You may push to keep them as a regular staple wardrobe item. Just enjoy the time you do have with them and don’t place any pressure to make the friendship what it was in the past.
“The Bear Hug Jacket”
This person makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. They are the feel-good friend: the warm and cosy puffa jacket. They may be a seasonal item but nevertheless a timeless classic. Do not forget them when new faces come along, as new clothing may go out of fashion, whereas old favourites just sit back and wait.
“The Date Night Stunner”
Spending time with this person is the perfect substitute for going on a date. You love going for drinks, meals and nights out. You always have a great time. However, this kind of friendship is at risk of remaining shallow. Try to spend time with them doing stuff that you will not grow out of, building your friendship on a solid base of decent chats and clear memories. That way, when you do not have the student loan to fund your late-night cocktails, they won’t simply slip to the back of your mind.
“The Annual Ball Gown”
This is the friend that you are always looking for an excuse to see. You may find you collect quite a repertoire over the years and life just doesn’t provide quite as many opportunities to make the most of this friendship. With these friends, make the most of the time with them. Remember to give them your full attention when at last a date in the diary sticks.