8 ways to have an insanely happy hump day

Hump day happiness means one thing. That with our busy lives, no doubt we could all do with a weekly dose of happy. Here are our top tricks to help you inject a little bit more joy in your life.

Run a bath 

We all have pastimes we adore. Whether with bubbles, oils or salts, bubble baths are very popular among working women. Baths are fabulous because they help you de-stress, but why not use Epsom salts for your next one? Epsom salts contain essential minerals such as magnesium and sulphate. Not only are they great for your body but mind too.

Listen to your favourite songs 

It is a known fact that music affects the brain by releasing more dopamine. This is a hormone that improves your mood. All music can do this, but listening to your favourite tune helps even more so. Not only can listening to music in the evening reduce depression but insomnia as well. With over 350 million people suffering from depression around the world, we couldn’t think of a better time to indulge in this habit. The hashtag is hump day happiness for a reason.

Pinterest your best life 

Pinterest boards full of wedding tips, quotes for the ambitious or even that pair of Louboutins. Do we need to say more?

“Happiness is inward, and not outward; and so, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.”
Henry Van Dyke


Unsurprisingly, clutter has a negative impact on your mood. In terms of your brain, simpler is better: when there is less to focus on. In a cluttered room, you will be distracted and find yourself agitated. Use your hump day to clean out your closet, bedside drawers or even your kitchen cupboards.

Head to your neighbouring city 

Travelling can make you happier by providing new experiences, building self-confidence  and allowing you to meet people from all over the world. In one day, you probably won’t be jetting off on holiday but you could take a short trip. Grab your closest friends and head somewhere you haven’t been before. Your could take a bus or train and then splurge on a dinner while there.

Try something new 

This hump day, focus on learning a new skill. This is actually a core need for psychological wellbeing. Learning can help us develop a sense of self-efficacy and can be a way to connect with others. As human beings, we all have a natural desire to learn and progress so if you have been contemplating learning a new language or dreaming of playing an instrument, start looking into it today.

Read a book

Books are a fantastic way to heal you. Painful times are difficult and if you need to escape there are always books waiting for you.  The New Yorker says: “Reading has been shown to put our brains into a pleasurable trance-like state, similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm.” The Happiness project is one of our happy books and definitely something you should look into if struggling to choose a good read.

Change your screensaver

A photo of your recent vacation, a favourite quotation or a photo of your family can help promote moments of happiness. This is because enjoying an image can lower stress levels and blood pressure. What better time than to change a few things on your devices than hump day?


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