Fashion Magazines 411


Internships are a great way to get a taste of the fast pace working environment; they are a great way to get your foot into that particular dream sector of work. However, it is quite possible you might find that in order to get your hands on an internship you have to show that you have already had some previous experience sometimes resulting in a ‘catch 22’ situation. Below are some of my top tips towards you securing that special position:

  1. Having the ‘right connections’ is the cliché that people say again gets you into an organisation that you have set your heart on entering.
  2. Showing that you have been a freelance and to have a portfolio of works that you have created that you can share online and later at an interview can be vital to make you jump the queue of potential employees.
  3. Having a wide range of experience not always related to fashion can be advantageous. This might mean having studied fashion, textiles, graphics, journalism, or photography. A wide appreciation of fashion and the love and desire to work in a creative capacity can often help get your foot in the door either as a graphic designer or within the realms of magazine editing.
  4. Nowadays, with the advent of so many different types of social media such as LinkedIn, these networks can be vastly enhanced. Recognising the importance of the continuation of updating one’s profile is key if you are to be noticed. Sites such as Tumblr, Pinterest and Twitter are perfect for connecting with people who work closely with the publication of magazines. Given the vast number of social networks around it is easy to get overloaded with their management whereby some individuals are constantly posting updates and creating new blogs hourly which can be very time consuming. Although a balance needs to be achieved, the rewards they can bring should not be underestimated.
  5. Understanding what sort of position you want to enter and where availabilities are will help ensure you do not waste time in trying to get a position that in fact does not exist.
  6. Key posts like journalists are very difficult to secure; mastering the informative writing style is necessary. Keeping your ideas fresh and exciting in the culture of fashion is key and can be achieved through reading newspapers, books and bibliographies. Continually widening and exploring new areas ensure creativity juices are flowing thereby helping to prevent the ‘dullness’ and ‘monotony’ seen in so many magazines available today. Other posts available are often related to running events often associated with special launches and they require both organisational and creativity skills and ability to write press releases.

Above all attributes of determination, working well under pressure, creativity and ability to get on with people are some of the necessities needed both to try and secure and hold down a position in magazines.

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