How to turn stress into big success


Even when so satisfied and fulfilled, I strive for more, even if that means taking on more stress. Families, children, striking a work/life balance and maintaining healthy relationships, the average woman can easily pass for Wonder Woman. The World Health Organisation has recently described stress as ‘the health epidemic of the 21st century’, yet we all still solider on, not seeking an alternative. Last year it was the cause of 50% of sick days, but what does it take to kick this strain and actually use it to our advantage?

It is really important to say that stress is not just something to be removed as fast as possible—if at all really. It actually helps you get to life success.

So, how can that be—stress being good?

Recognise it.

Stress is a source of energy which means it can be used as a motivator, in fact- you couldn’t even be motivated without it. Understand it and recognise the symptoms, sweating; clamming up; having a dry throat and obscene heart palpitations.  This stress is far too much and you are crossing the line. Do not get to this point, instead tell yourself how excited you are about the opportunity coming your way and how much you will learn from the experience you are about to undertake.

Find an inner silence.

A lot of the time we listen to a lot of white noise. We indulge in people’s problems, negativity and even accept other people’s opinions about us. There is a difference between accepting realities, global news and current affairs for instance and knowing that you need to forge your own path and can’t live up to everyone else’s expectations about yourself.

Live in the middle.

The stress of life—which everyone has—happens because you see your life as though it is a movie or a story that has a fixed beginning and end. Understand that there is no manual and your life can play out however you choose. Things don’t just happen to you, really embrace the moment and stop pursuing this ideal life. Because once you are there, you will have a whole other box of problems.

Keep good company.
They say that you are either a drain or a radiator. Have good friends around you and make sure you nurture those relationships. It doesn’t take much to make a phone call or organise a coffee date. Not only will this keep you grounded but happy and stress free.




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