How to practise gratitude during lockdown

Right now it can be hard to maintain a positive mindset. It’s all too easy to dwell on the negativity – and potential negativity to come – and it’s hard to break yourself from that thought process. However, we all have plenty to be grateful for; maybe more than you even know.

What we do have
More than ever it’s important to be grateful for what we do have. Our health, our homes, our loved ones – we might not be able to see them, but at least we have them in our lives one way or another. Rather than thinking of what you don’t have, reminding yourself of what you do have can be a way to flip your outlook and mindset. Start writing a gratitude journal each evening, write down three things you are grateful for each day, you’ll soon realise how many things you do have.

Modern technology
It may sound strange, but I’m grateful that this has happened now. By that I mean that it has happened when tools such as the internet, Facetime and Zoom exist. It may seem like we are alone, but we are more connected than ever. We have the ability to contact people from the other side of the globe – if that isn’t something to be grateful for, then I don’t know what is. Usually we wouldn’t recommend you turn to your phone to be grateful but right now we will make an exception. Use this time to connect with friends and family members near and far.

Time for you
Instagram may be full of people using this time to start the business they always dreamed of; take up that hobby they always wanted to and reinvent themselves. However, if you’re not thinking the same, that’s totally okay. If you would rather take this time to relax, watch infinite amounts of Disney+ or Netfiix, that’s also okay. Just do what is right for you. It’s no secret that we all used to wish that we had more time, and now is the time to be grateful for it.

I think we can all agree that all of our lives have been put into perspective. We now understand what’s important to us and what we had misinterpreted as important. What we are grateful for and what we can do without. Take this time to really think about that and how you want to change your life – and even yourself – moving forward. 

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