‘It’s not what you know but who you know’. Never has a truer phrase been said. In a world of ever more educated professionals, slick CVs don’t always cut it. CEOs are looking for those who are connected, for those in the know, for those who make an impact, an impression, for those who make themselves known. Networking has never been so important, but where to start?
Get serious
Networking is a waste of time unless you have a solid goal in mind. Vision and direction are key here. If you have a picture of where you want to be, you can work backwards to determine the steps you need to take from your current position to get there. What building blocks do you need? Think about the sorts of people who could equip you with the skills or give you valuable advice or insight to help make your vision a reality. These are the people you need to seek.
Get connected
Each social media site has its niche. LinkedIn is useful to determine key ‘influencers’ in your field and to read their insights on anything from industry trends to their HR ethic. It’s not, however, the best for dialogue. Cue Twitter. By using a combination of sites, you widen your opportunities for meaningful interaction. Being knowledgeable and insightful is hugely important but wasted if it’s not showcased on the correct platform so be choosy. Be open to dialogue and make an impact.
Get social
We are a social generation. So much emphasis is placed on being a well-rounded person, having time to develop our interests and doing so in the company of like-minded individuals. There are so many groups out there who represent an increasingly diverse range of interests. Google is a god send in searching for events in your local area related to your passion or field, be they weekly groups or one off conferences. Attending such events when you can will not only connect you with other professionals in your area but could also expose you to local influencers. But what if there is nothing to attend related to your field? Then…
Get creative
Sometimes Scriptoeris girls need to take things in to their own hands. Just because there aren’t any events now, doesn’t mean the interest for them isn’t there. Do some research in the right circles and then tailor make a group to suit the needs of interested parties. Publicise, meet and make waves in your local area.
Get advice
If you’re hoping to make your way up the career ladder then it’s time to have a serious conversation with your line manager. Companies jump at the chance to nurture existing employees, priming them for the top. One of the best ways to do this is to request a mentor. Who better to advise you than someone who has been there and done it? Don’t shy away after the first meeting, mentors ongoing support and expertise will be invaluable and who knows where the connection could take you in the future.