End of summer

With those long summer days becoming a distant memory and the winter chill on the horizon, the end of summer can leave you feeling a bit down. Don’t worry though, these handy tips will help you come to terms with the end of summer and leave you welcoming autumn with open-wide arms!


1) Print photos

If memories of long summer days are fading and those times spent outdoors with friends eating good food seem like years rather than weeks ago, then take the time to sort through the countless photos and actually print some off. Photos aren’t meant for small computer or phone screens! My favourite site is photobox (www.photobox.com). I love putting together scrapbooks of travels and memories to looks over months, or years, down the line!


2) Go shopping

There’s no better reason to shop that the changing of the season. As the shops fill up with warm chunky knits and blanket-sized scarves, give your wardrobe a makeover and invest in something to see you through the colder months.


3) Throw an end of summer party

Celebrate the end of summer by getting together some of your best friends a having an end of summer party. Have the last barbecue of the year and chat about all the fun things you’ve done over the last few months.


4) Try something new

September is the perfect time to try something new. The start of the academic year always sees lots of clubs looking for new people. So whether its sports, drama singing, or something else you’re into, why not look up what’s in your area and try something new!?


5) If all else fails then plan a getaway to somewhere sunny!

With the school holidays over, lots of places offer cheap deals to attract customers out of season. September and October are the perfect times to take advantage of this. Countries like Spain and areas of Southern France still get some lovely sunshine if you don’t want to stray too far!