How I am managing my mental health during a pandemic

I have been struggling. It is hard enough maintaining my mental health but now our entire world has been turned upside down. As stressful and overwhelming it has been I have changed my daily routine to help my anxiety. Since so many of you are experiencing the same, I wanted to share my new reality.

Implement Structure

We can all implement a strong routine. It could be by creating a morning ritual. Check out our CEO Scarlett’s, this has really helped me. If you are working from home, it’s important to still get up and change your clothing to maintain some distinction between work and home. Although, let’s be real, those extra minutes in bed are nothing to complain about. Some sort of structure will also help with your productivity and mindset.


It’s no secret that exercise is good for our brains. It releases positive endorphins as well as shifting a few pounds. There are many effective home workouts online in different areas: HIIT, yoga, abs and more. If traditional exercise isn’t your cup of tea, put on your favourite playlist and have a dance. As my housemates and I have discovered this week, it really does help. 


Speaking of playlists, music is a great way to lift your mood and take you out of that negative spiral. Podcasts are a great way to learn something new at the same time.


I don’t know about anyone else, but when I get anxious or over-stressed, my mind doesn’t seem to function as efficiently. On a day when I was feeling positive, I made a mind-map of all the things I can do while in isolation. Whenever I feel sad, angry or restless, I know that I have this to turn to, to help me lift that ‘funk’. 


It might seem a bit difficult but there are so many different things to be grateful for if you just look hard enough – our Choose Happy campaign is a good way to try this. An example of something that I am grateful for is the internet; it allows us to talk to our loved ones either via message or video. 

Use this time

One of my colleagues told me that she is viewing this time as an extension of her Christmas holidays and I thought it was a great way to perceive it. We have this extra time to slow down and relax; something which we’ve all been trying to do for a long time. You could use this time to read, meditate, be creative or learn something entirely new. 

Take each day as it comes

If we start to think about the future it can become very overwhelming. Take each day as it comes. This sort of isolation is brand new for everyone, and nobody ever said that it was going to be easy. If you feel sad one day, that is totally entitled and understandable. Just know that, like anxiety, this is going to pass. So accept your feelings but know that tomorrow is a fresh start. 

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