Graduation is a momentous time and should be a lot of fun. However, graduation can also be very stressful. Between the good: the inspiring speeches, celebrating with your family and the caps to the not so good: moving away from friends and looking for a job, it can be a tough period on anyone. Your anxiety can be a natural reaction to such a big change, start channeling it into action.
Major transitions in life can be positive, but can also cause a lot of fear. This is also known as transition anxiety. Uncertainty makes you anxious. University can give you a feeling of security, knowing what you are going to do each day, week and term. Now, not having structure in your life, you can start feeling insecure. Try and establish a routine to not gravitate towards risky behaviours such as insomnia or alcohol usage.
Give yourself space and feel every emotion around this new transition. Roberta Ruddick, a career expert from BestEssays, suggests a solution: “The best way to deal with the anxiety caused by the unknown is to make a plan. When you have a plan to push you forward, you will have a direction. You’ll find determination and you’ll know you’ll get on safe ground again.”
Surround yourself with supportive loved ones who can understand this new time in your life. More often than not, parents often think that a well-designed path is the way to guarantee happiness. If your parents are putting pressure on you to follow a certain route or not understanding your need to take some time off, talk to them. Be clear and coherent. If that still doesn’t work, rely on your friends for their compassion and support. Talk to a career councillor too and ask as many questions as you can.
Change leaves room for growth, so seize the moment. Do something different or book a trip before you get into the circle of really growing up. You can still indulge in your favourite things such as your go-to meal or Tracy Anderson workout but embrace this new freedom.