“To live fully is to let go and die with each passing moment, and to be reborn in each new one” Jack Kornfield.
I am so excited to be posting my first letter to you, our readers. March has always been my favourite month, the first signs of spring, my birthday and the sense of rebirth around this time. Flowers blooming, animals coming out of hibernation and the sun’s return. Admittedly, I am a complete nerd. Days before my birthday I like to reflect on the previous year, my goals and things I would change. This month I have already travelled to Paris and Milan (all images on Instagram), redesigned Scriptoeris to have a personal aspect (at your request) and drafted two new business ventures (coming soon).
This all takes an incredible amount of hard work though, the gloss depicted on our social media platforms doesn’t tell you about the Skype meetings at 3am, the fear of failing or the constant fatigue. Knowing this, I, like so many others have the tendency to let our great ideas pass rather than seize them. This month, I didn’t allow that and I am already reaping the rewards. Birthing your dreams is like giving birth. It is terrifying and hard work but you keep pushing forward because you know your baby is going to be awesome, you have to have the same mentality about your business or idea.
In order to change your life and start living a new one that you’ve never lived before, your faith in yourself must be greater than your fear.
You can’t be static, don’t be the victim of your life. Rise and fall. Be willing to stay up late, be permanently tired and always on the go. All of this will lead to achieving the impossible. No matter what.