“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” Oscar Wilde
March was a great month but now, it is April. This month I am off to the French Alps for my annual ski trip, developing more videos (“Life of an entrepreneur” goes live on the 5th) and organising the first Scriptoeris event (tickets available soon). One thing I will be taking into this month though, is optimism. Does anyone else feel we grow up and our positivity fades? For some reason, our world starts to seem smaller and our big ideas – impossible.
Why is all that? When I ski, I have to be positive, every part of me has to believe that not only will I get to the bottom but I will do so skilfully, that my mind will encourage all limbs to follow suit. My knees down, back straight, feet parallel, eyes looking ahead. It takes that kind of mindset to achieve success. One without doubt or negativity. I’m not talking financial success either, but in any aspect of your life. When something falls through, it is easy to see that the world is coming together to prove your idea isn’t meant to be or when an encounter leaves us frustrated we let it get on top of us.
My two favourite books that cover optimism are the incredible She Means Business and You are a badass. Anyone who knows me, knows I am a voracious reader so trust me when I say they are two of the very best. Thing is, you can choose whether to see the glass half full or half empty. Ignore the noise and hone in on your skills, think about that business idea that is bigger than you or a target you have been meaning to reach. Now is the time.