More often that not, blogs offer cheesy advice that isn’t practical. Today, I would like to share a variety of ways to help you start living your dream life. I have never been one to just exist, I have always pushed myself, even if it meant working 12-hour days. I always knew in the back of my mind that the work would pay off. We can all either accept our circumstances or rise above them.
Don’t get me wrong, I still face daily challenges and problems, I started a business at 19 with no business brain on me at all. No matter where you are or what you are going through here are five ways you can start living the dream today, as well as a more fulfilling and happier life.
Get honest
Everyone knows what they want from life, very few are able to admit it though. Especially if it is something completely out of your comfort zone. However, those dreams are in your heart and mind for a reason. Sit down with a big piece of paper and write your ‘dream list’. Go through each one and work backwards, figure out how to make each one a reality.
Boss up
It isn’t surprising how many people wing it and end up failing. If you want to quit your job for your side hustle make sure you have (even if fairly small) an emergency fund. If losing weight is part of your plan then print out an achievable and realistic exercise plan. As Maria Hatzistefanis says: “It took 20 years to be an overnight success.”
Ignore self-limiting beliefs
On average, for every 100 fans there are two trolls. Along your journey toward your dream life, you will encounter fear, doubt and self-limiting beliefs. Some won’t agree with your plan, this is just a reflection of them and not your potential. You could easily take all the negativity on the chin, but the only person who will regret the chances you didn’t take is you.
Make small decisions that will have a big impact
As we get older we realise that rather than having 10 friends, it is better to have three, yet more valuable friends. Keep this in mind when making decisions, look into cheap trips away or even in your local town. Put away some money each month and soon you will notice the increase in your savings. Develop a style rather than just blowing money on multiple outfits that you probably won’t wear.
Invest in yourself
Investing in yourself is one of the best return on investments you can have. Whether it is learning a new skill, developing yourself personally or hiring a coach, it is our responsibility to take the time to develop our gifts and talents. Value your intuition, it will help you to make better and smarter decisions.
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