Do you need to be a bitch to get ahead?


There are a number of studies that show those who sit at the top of the career ladder are more likely to have psychopathic tendencies. Ruthlessness, brutality and general bitchiness are perceived as qualities required to get to the top but is this really the case?

Persistence, confidence, and a high drive are of course needed, but nastiness is not. Life may be brutish and nasty (especially in the workplace) but one also remember, as Hobbs states, it is short. Life is too short to go around making enemies to get ahead, it is not karmatically conducive to happiness and resultantly will not ensure longevity in your position.

Whilst it is important to assert yourself, and gain a strong reputation for being determined this must not be shrouded with arrogance. Arrogance will be met with contempt, not admiration or preference. It is without a doubt a hard balance to strike, but one you must consider early, because once one is pigeon-holed into the bitch box it is a slog to get out.

The higher up you creep the easier it is to forget where you came from. Everyone has to start by making tea, so once that person is no longer you, you should treat that person with the same respect you wanted at that point. See the positives and the potential in others at every stage of their career and you will receive esteem in return.

As a woman, it is even more tempting to slip into a salacious routine to create a space for you at the top table in a world very much still dominated by men. But to succeed in a man’s world it is best not to play the man’s game; but remodel it to reflect all the best aspects of femininity which omits the hardnosed bitch stereotype from the rules.

One must be firm and fierce, but fair; show conviction through a cool calmness; portray persistence with panache. The world of business is changing in many ways in an era without borders and increased focus on corporate social responsibility. Social responsibility starts with you, and first and foremost that means a responsibility to treat your colleagues kindly.

As the scale continues to tip in the favour of women in the workplace, let us unite and dispel the idea of the psychopath syndrome and rescue humanity from another generation of soulless corporate robots. Let’s not be bitches with ugly up-dos but lovely ladies on a mission to change the stereotype of the corporate woman.