8 frugal date night ideas for the summer

PC: Amber Fillerup
As a person in their mid-twenties with a mortgage, and bills, it can be tough going on dates when worrying about money.

I can help. Here are a variety of frugal and fun date ideas, tried and tested.

Get outside

Take advantage of the beautiful weather and have a picnic. This is possibly one of the best dates I have ever had.  We went to a supermarket and picked up some food for a picnic and went and sat in one of our local parks. After we finished our food we packed it away and sunbathed together and then managed to have a ride on a pedalo. It was one of those really lovely days just focusing on enjoying the company of the people you were with.

Go for a hike

I think that going for a walk in a city is a great date idea. I love walking around London as you always stumble upon something interesting especially if you walk down Southbank. However, I wouldn’t suggest this for a first date. If you prefer the countryside have a drive to a park or go to a known hiking destination, put your walking boots on and go and find a beautiful view to admire.   

Go to a beer, prosecco, wine or food festival

If you enjoy a bit of alcohol and indulgent food, look into festivals nearby. I live in Birmingham and they always seem to have food or drink festivals going on. It’s a very casual date and a good activity to do with other couples or a great way to introduce the person you’re dating to your friends.  

Museums or art galleries

If you research hard enough you can always find a local museum, art gallery or arts/music festival. Most cities have free museums or art galleries that you can wander into. This is a great way to show that you know someone and show interest in something that they enjoy. For example, if the person you are dating is interested in science take them to the Science Museum and get them to open up about their interests.

Or, stay in

I have just bought and decorated a flat and I absolutely love spending time there. I think this is a great idea for like a 4th/5th date or if you are in a relationship because you are comfortable in your own home and can have a more relaxed evening. Make a nice meal, get a bottle of wine, pick a great film and have a cuddle on the sofa. I think seeing someone comfortable and relaxed in their own home can be really attractive.

Work out together

As scary and gross as this sounds it is actually a great way to bond with someone. You can share workout tips, discuss your different workout routines and talk about areas that you want to target. It can also be sexy as your partner can see you in various workout positions. 

Make good use of coupons and offers

Sign up to different coupon websites that have offers and invest in a Taste Card. Looking for different activities to do shows that you are really keen to spend time with the person you are dating.


Jump on the train or get in the car and go exploring. There are so many places in the UK that you could go and visit. Make a list with the person you’re dating that has all the places you want to visit and start ticking them off together.  

I hope my suggestions help you when you’re planning your next date.

Comment below with your frugal date ideas.

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