Be the heroine

A heroine: A woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for her brave deeds and noble qualities.

Growing up with fairytales and Disney movies, it’s really easy to think that the expected role for girls is that of a damsel in distress. Rarely are they seen as the heroes, or if they are portrayed as strong and independent women who know what they want, they’re seen as the villains.

With this in mind, it might seem logical that the way you behave in your day-to-day life should reflect the behavior of a damsel in distress, a ditz; straying away from being heroic and strong, and the behavior that comes with being bossy.
How many times have you almost raised your hand in class but stopped at the last minute, only to realize that you had the right answer? How many times have you stopped yourself from going somewhere because you were afraid to go alone? And how many times have you heard someone else struggling and known that you could help but didn’t?
All of that is you being the damsel in distress—giving into fear and doubt. And when you give into those feelings, you dis-empower yourself. You make yourself weak. And sometimes—most times—it’s easiest to just be the damsel in distress. It’s easy to push your wants and needs to the back burner, and focus on others, and keeping things safe.

But heroes don’t play it safe.

Be that strong girl that everyone knows will make it through the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything, be that independent girl who doesn’t need to rely on anyone but herself to make it, be that girl who never backed down.”
Why not be that girl? As Miss Frizzle says, “Take chances, make mistakes.” Let yourself go a little bit and start fighting that fear and doubt.
Raise your hand in class when you know the answer, stick up for the kid who’s getting pushed around. The sense of confidence that replaces the sense of regret will empower you; and maybe, if you’re really lucky, you’ll inspire people younger than you to start playing the hero as well.

If you succumb to playing the role of the victim, you are essentially handing over your power to someone else and forfeiting your opportunity to experience joy. Why would you choose that? Stop focusing on what is missing in your life and appreciate what you do have. We’ve all heard that being grateful for what we have makes us feel better. Even more to the point, when you focus on and appreciate all that you have, you will receive more of what’s good in your life. What you focus on expands! Always remember to step out of your comfort zone , there is nothing wrong with comfort but it can gradually become more of a caution zone which prevents you from proceeding ahead because you are scared. Attitude is everything! We each have a choice as to how we see the world. We have the ability to see difficulties as hurdles to overcome and new situations as adventures. Feel every emotion because it’s a gift and do not be afraid to be vulnerable either.

We’re not heroes in the traditional sense, no, we’re heroes on a smaller scale. We fight villains called fear and self-doubt, and our victories happen on a personal level. But the impact that our victories have is so much bigger and important than anything Catwoman can do. With each victory, no matter how small, we are creating a better version of ourselves, and shaping the people and places around us.

You have so much to offer the world. Why not be the outgoing confident girl? Why not be the best version of you that you can be? Why not be the girl who’s not only a role model for others—but for herself as well? Why would you be afraid to show that off to the world too? Beauty and self worth are projected , so grab that cape and start flying !