Be the best version of yourself

We all know beauty comes from the inside. Yet, we never fail to look for our faults. When it comes to looking at ourselves critically, we are our own worst enemy. It’s time to buck the trend and enjoy being who we are for real.


No pretences.

No mask to hide behind.

Following these simple ten commandments will help you get the best out of what lies below the surface:

When things aren’t going right, go left

We all have our low points every so often. It is the best of us that know just what will pick us back up out of a strop. When things aren’t going quite as planned, focus on three things that are going well and watch your ability to stay optimistic and resolve problems quickly. You will start to instinctively get out of an awful mood because you realise that the positives outweigh the negatives.


Whether you are planning ahead , it could be the next hour, week or rest of your life always keep something worthwhile to look forward to or aim for. Your experiences shape your personality so stay busy. Nothing is worse than being accused of being boring.

Two’s a crowd

Allow yourself time on your own and make sure you’re happy in your own company. How can you expect others to see how great it is spending time with you if you haven’t noticed how great you are ? Whether you end up baking, chilling in a bubble bath or going for a run, knowing that you can spend time alone without feeling lonely is a great way to make sure you have people for whom it is worth giving up me-time.

Be decisive

Dig deep and find that space deep down that knows what you really want and why. Justify your actions and you know they will be representing the real you.


Being true to yourself involves indulging in the things you love. This may be shoes, tea or even dog walks. Regardless, the best version of you is a version not afraid to admit the feelings that you just can’t resist. These vices will only add to your charm and make you a more rounded person- especially if your vice is chocolate so perhaps indulge in moderation!

Push your limits

Each week, find something big or small that puts you out of that comfort zone. This will allow you to feel like you’re progressing, even if you’re in a stable job with everything ticking along nicely. Challenging yourself to do anything from a ski dive to skinny dipping will keep you away from getting stuck in a rut.

Never go on holiday without a good book… or six

If you’re a book worm then great! Enjoy being the girl that is attractive on the beach because she is off in a different world enjoying life through reading. If not, get back in touch with your school days where you’d learn a new word or disappear into a different world. Holidays give us the chance to do nothing but embrace it!

Don’t be defined by other people

It is great being complimented or critiqued in things that others notice about your personality. Even so, always search for another thing that makes you unique . This will make you more dynamic and keep those compliments from going to your head.


A  bikini body is about confidence, not your diet. Some people look at curvy girls with envy, others lust after a flat stomach. Let’s face it, we just want what we don’t have. Eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life so enjoy good food, good wines and lots of puddings!

Know your values

It’s not hard to feel pressured into something. Parents, friends and partners can all have this effect on us. It’s important to stay true to who you are and what you believe it . Never do anything that has you wary or questioning their intentions. Trust your instinct ladies, that’s why god gave us our sixth sense.

Take a naked face day

Not only will it do wonders for your skin and allow people around you to see you when you are perhaps a little vulnerable but part of being the best version of yourself is to be honest. The more often you embrace your bare face the more you will glow with confidence and become more aware of who you are under the mask- perfect is so overrated.

All in all, the best version of yourself is about being the real you. These tips might just help you get back in touch with whoever that may be. Finding things that you love about yourself will have an effect in your personal and professional life, trust me.