Name calling, social bullying, cyberbullying, they don’t just stop once school does. Adult bullies usually were the bullies in school and you have to understand them to cope with them.
According to statistics one third of adults are bullied in the workplace.
In the workplace, bullying is abusive behaviour where an individual or a group of people create an intimidating or humiliating work environment for another. This is with the intent of harming their dignity, safety and well-being.
People are quick to suggest that bullying in the workplace is a “clash of personalities”. However, it can involve exclusion or intimidation. Dr Jean-Baptiste Pingault and his team at UCL found that bullying causes many mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, years later. Which is why you need to deal with it, now.
1. Consider their pain. Hurt people hurt people so try and detach yourself from the pain. Remember that words cannot hurt you. Talk to the bully about their behaviour in an appropriate environment and ask what they are hoping to achieve. A lot of the time bullying can stem from jealously, don’t give them the power and dim your light but ask yourself why they are bullying you.
2. Ignore social media messages. Never engage in the messages your bully is sending you. Up your privacy settings instead. Don’t delete any of the messages either, in case you have to use them as a point of reference in the future. If you start replying to the messages you are interacting with them and allowing them to bully you further.
3. Admit you are being bullied. It is never embarrassing to admit someone is bullying you. There is strength in seeking help when there is an issue, start with opening up to your family and friends but remember, this behaviour isn’t a reflection of you as a person.
1. Talk to your boss. The bullying can’t be tackled if you don’t talk to your boss or an suitable person. Be mature and professional about it. Never point the finger or mention names. Be strong and have hard evidence if you need to face an unapproachable boss, so they can’t ignore your feelings.
If you ever see signs of bullying whether it is in school, at work or on the street. You must report it straight away. In the workplace you have a HR team in place to help support you if you are ever feeling bullied. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you are feeling uncomfortable. If this resonates with you, you can also contact the British CTC and counselling service,
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