A guide as a Sexy Singleton

February 14th has the power to make women either squeal with excitement or moan with displeasure. That’s right – Valentine’s day is quickly approaching, but what if you don’t have a date? At the time, not having a Valentine on the most romantic night of the year can seem like a drag, but it doesn’t have to be. Instead, use it as a day to focus on yourself. Here are a list of things for you Scriptoeris readers to do to make the most out of your February 14th.

Free yourself and let go of any worries or doubts. Remember the perks of being single. This is your time to grow as an individual and reflect on the past to prepare for the bright future ahead of you. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 112 million unmarried people over the age of 18, meaning you are in good company. Embrace your independence!

Surround yourself with loved ones. Call another single friend and talk about the incredible blessings in your life. Skype is an even better option. It’s amazing how great it can feel to talk with a familiar face and voice. Another great idea is to gather a group of single girl friends for a night of fun. Hit up the local bar, go shopping, or go to your favorite restaurant. The possibilities are endless. Who said you have to be alone if your single on Valentine’s day?

Pamper yourself on this day. Crank your favorite album and scream it at the top of your lungs. Take a relaxing bubble bath and unwind. Watch your favorite chick flick over and over again. Paint your nails your signature color. Write a handwritten note to a loved one.  Bake yourself a batch of your favorite kind of cookies. Read that novel you have been meaning to make time for. Uncork a bottle of wine. Enjoy Valentine’s day for yourself.

And, most importantly, love yourself. Do not dwell on not having a significant other. This special person will come in good time. Be patient. Also, be kind to yourself this Valentine’s day. February 14th doesn’t have to be for only romantic love. Practice self-love.

Remember, Valentine’s day is only one day in the calendar year. It has the same amount of hours as every other day, so make it count and focus on you. After all, Beyonce did write a fabulous song in honor of us single ladies. We’re putting this on repeat on Valentine’s day at Scriptoeris. Cheers to you this Valentine’s day, Scriptoeris readers!