After a tough week at the office, it can be difficult to get up early, conquer your overwhelming to-do list or even just exercise. Successful people are at it too but they approach their weekends a little differently, and now you can embrace them as well.
They disconnect
Disconnecting is essential nowadays but unfortunately only one third of us truly disconnects. If you can’t remove yourself electronically then you haven’t left the office. You will be opening youself up to a whole load of stresses. At least, designante specific times throughout your weekend to make that phone call or check your emails.
They plan their weekend
We all look forward to our weekend but usually we are so busy during the week we don’t plan anything and consequently find ourselves binging on Netflix. Try and plan something during the week for your Saturday so you’re forced out of the house. Indulge in being distracted, visit your distant relatives, plan a trip or go for a jog.
They organise something on Monday
If you’re a Garfield when it comes to Monday then make sure you have something to look forward to. Meet a friend for coffee or plan a trip to the cinema. If you have something exciting ahead, you will be more focused on your work during the day.
They designate mornings to ‘me’ time
If you have family, a partner or children it can be really hard to find time for yourself on the weekends. Indulge in an activity that brings you joy. This won’t only clear your mind but you’ll find it easier to engage with the week ahead.
They pursue happiness
Your mind achieves max performance two-four hours after you wake up so use that time to get up early and pursue a passion. This could be a strenuous activity that gets you outside or reading next to a fire. Success expert Laura Vanderkam says: “Success in a competitive world requires hitting Monday refreshed and ready to go. The only way to do that is to create weekends that rejuvenate you rather than exhaust or disappoint you.”
They don’t check social media first thing
An addiction to social media leads to sleep deprivation according to a new report. In fact, scientists have said that checking social media before we go to sleep and as soon as we wake up disrupts our day and can leave us lethargic and tired. Sleep in complete darkness and with your phone on silent.
They exercise
Endorphines make you happy, so why wouldn’t you work out on the weekend? You have 48 hours to do so and it won’t only help you refocus but you’ll feel less guilty when eating your favourite snack during the week. Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki, wrote in Quartz that exercise sparks creativity and increases our productivity.
Millions of young professionals are choosing to work over going out dancing on a Saturday or having a few drinks with the girls. The key to success is networking and this can obviously only happen if you’re actually accepting of this fact and embracing it. It can actually increase business, if that isn’t an excuse, we don’t know what is.