5 things to do in Lockdown, without buying a single thing

Last night it was announced that the lockdown has been extended for another 3 weeks. As much as it would be fun to stream our go-to shows for hours on end, there are many more productive activities to enjoy.

More often that not when we hope to shift something in our life, we look outside of ourselves. However, like Dorothy and the ruby slippers, you already have that power within you and within arm’s reach. You never know, you might be an artist, bookworm or businesswoman. All you need is passion and focus.

Cook a new recipe

Olive magazine is full of recipes for you to discover. I am many things, cook is not one of them so I prefer easy meals I can whip up that will last for days. For vegetarians and vegans I would recommend following the Kind Life. This is a movement set up by actress, Alicia Silverstone. Before you yawn thinking this is just another actress dipping her toe in a new industry, Alicia has actually been a vegan for decades and has cultivated a mass following in the food industry.

Sell your clothes

If you want to explore ways to help the NHS or if you are not currently working, start putting your old clothes together. Apps such as Depop and Vestiaire Collective are readily available and easy to use. Make sure you take around four photos per item and price the garment reasonably. You could even put on a virtual fashion show for your friends and loved ones beforehand.

Learn a new skill

10 years ago at school, in my art class I was asked to draw London. Having no prior experience, it was a little overwhelming to say the least. After what seemed like hours of drawing, I turned my piece in and convinced myself I am the wort drawer in the world. From learning Swedish to running, I have tried throughout the lockdown to learn new skills (yes, running is a skill). One evening though I randomly decided to start sketching and happily showed my piece off to my family. They were as surprised as me, by no means am I brilliant but it’s a lot better than I had imagined. Don’t let the fear of not being any good stop you from pursuing a new skill during lockdown, test the waters and see what you enjoy.

Refresh your living space

Reorganising furniture can provide your brain with a really satisfying sense of change. Make a room feel new again by shifting things around, you could even switch up entire rooms. What better time than now to set up an office space?

Cut out inspiring articles from magazines

Amazon makes it far too easy to purchase new books. Challenge yourself with a “no buy” mandate and turn to old magazines you have lying around instead. This will produce less waste, reduce clutter and save money. I have folders crammed full of inspiring articles I have cut u. I love to turn back to them if I need a boost or some motivation.

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