The 6 investments to make in yourself this year

We are told about financial investments and investing in a relationship but who ever tells us the steps to take to make sure we are always in check? 2017 is halfway over and it is time to start taking care of yourself if you haven’t already started to.  Whether you are a career maven or world-traveler, self-care is important no matter what. It allows you to decompress and get rid of any stressors going on in your life. This will not only help you mentally but physically and emotionally as well. We need to take care of ourselves in order to achieve any goal we may have.

Have a mirror message. In order to invest in yourself, you need to know your purpose What are those short sayings that really make you stop and think? Those are the perfect message to get you going at the beginning of the day. Write a little message to yourself on a mirror or post-it and have it somewhere you will see every morning. It will be the perfect way to start your day. Think about creating a moodboard full of your plans, favourite quotations and dream holidays.

Concentrate on your health. I’m not saying go out and try all the latest health trends out there, but simply adding in yoga or meditation and running, or any physical activity to your week will help relieve any stress you may have. It will also keep you healthy mentally and physically.

Invest in your future. Our twenties are supposed to be about learning about what we want to do for the rest of our lives. So why add another stressor on top of that? This is also the perfect time to invest for your future financially. Start small by setting up a savings account at your bank and put in a small amount each month. If you have a job that offers retirement, talk with your supervisor about how to set up the proper plan. Tony Robbins says: “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

Travel. There is nothing self-fulfilling than traveling the world. Seeing new cultures and ways of life not only makes you appreciate what you have, but what you are able to see on these adventures. Traveling is wonderful in many ways. It captures us with a sense of wanderlust and has us longing for more destinations to visit, cultures to experience, food to eat, and people to meet.

Find an outlet. We all need a hobby or outlet to go to when we are stressed. It can be anything: reading, writing, painting, sketching, listening to music, playing music, etc. Find something you resonate with and follow that. It can be the best long term investment of them all.

Programme your mind for wild success. You have to actually be open to success, you need to embrace it and the quickest way to do is by honing in on your craft and then actually believing success happens on purpose. There is a whole article on programming your mind for wild success here.

Investing in yourself is the biggest investment of them all. There is only one “you” in the world so it is time to start taking care of yourself and bettering your own life

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