1. Write handwritten love letters to the parts of yourself you hate
2. Know that you are still blooming and this is okay
3. Learn when to let go
4. Remember that even clouds cry sometimes
5. Begin to fall in love with the curve of your stomach, it has the capacity of holding a great gift: life
6. Know that your relationship status doesn’t dictate how worthy you are of love
7. Learn how to be alone without feeling lonely
8. Share your testimony, Our stories are meant to be heard so find your voice
9. Do something that scares you everyday, no matter how small.
10. Reognise that the best artists color outside the lines so break conventions
11. Stop wishing for a vacation and turn your life into something you don’t wish to escape from.
12. Let compliments pour out of you, help others feel better about themselves
13. Be more like rain than snow. Snow hardens but rain is soft and vulnerable.
14. Relax in a bubble bath, let your troubles wash down the drain
15. Do not let anyone become a vacuum and suck the life out of you, pull the plug.
16. Strove to have the same humility as the sun, it shines without needing anyone to notice
17. Throw out your premeditated list of qualities for your perfect mate. That special person is not a recipe or equation
18. Be the person you would fall in love with
19. Flip through out photos and reminisce about the past but do not live there.
20. Be a radiator not a drain, give out a positive energy rather than suck it out of others
21. Loving yourself again will be like putting on eyeglasses. The blur will fade and you will see yourself for what you truly are: beautiful