5 habits to kickstart a successful 2018

You have probably thought up a dozen resolutions to add to your list. More often that not though people break their New Year resolutions within weeks. In fact, in 2013 it was reported that only 8 per cent stick to their plan. This year, rather than think of a resolution I am planning to focus on new habits. Just small changes I can make that will have a lasting impact.

1. Be mindful

When your mind is there with your body, you are living in the present moment. It is very easy to get caught up in our worries, fears, mistakes and regrets. This state is actually referred to as forgetfulness because you are there but not really there. The opposite of forgetfulness is mindfulness. Breathe in and out, this is a small trick and won’t take up a lot of time. Stretching early in the morning and journaling are also among popular ways to be mindful.

2. Eat for fuel, not comfort

I don’t tend to eat breakfast. I am always in a hurry and know I can rely on Starbucks to keep me awake. Eating well though goes beyond eating right, it is about timing. Eat for energy, to stay focused and motivated as well as at the right time of day. Honey, spinach and bananas are all great sources for energy. If you are lacking energy on a regular basis though it might be due to an iron deficiency. Talk to your GP before jumping to conclusions.

3. Make time for what you love

This year, do not let your schedule take over. Your career might be your life but you will not be able to progress at work unless you take care of yourself first. Stop making excuses and actively decide to focus more on an activity, hobby or project that you love. Writing a to-do list each morning can help you with your tight schedule and by making time for something you love, you will be maximising your efficiency.

4. Practice self-love

Self-love can be a very concrete and realistic thing. As women, we are taught from a young age that taking care of others comes first. But, if you don’t feed your soul, you will soon burn out and feel depleted. Make it a priority to get eight hours of sleep, treat yourself to a nice outfit and make a list of fun activities to do. Write it and stick it to your fridge.

5. Say No

There are things we have to do, but there are some we don’t need to do. Say no to yourself and others this year. Don’t watch excessive amounts of television and don’t waste time playing games on your phone. These are only things getting in the way of you living your most prosperous and successful year yet. If you are asked to stay late but really can’t or if a friend asks for a huge favour that isn’t realistic, draw the line. Don’t overthink your decision and don’t underestimate the power of saying no.


What habits are you going to try next year? Let us know in the comments section below…

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