In 2017, International Women’s Day Was The Most Talked-About Moment

Jahi Chikwendiu for Getty

2017 has been a fantastic year for women. We have seen millions take to the streets for the Women’s March around the world, dozens coming forward bravely calling out sexual abuse and Hillary Clinton guest editing Teen Vogue. These are only highlights too, we cannot forget Meryl Streep’s Oscar speech, Dior’s political tee and #metoo.

Facebook’s 2017 Year in Review reveals International Women’s Day as the most talked-about-moment on the social platform this year. It also concludes that the Women’s March in Washington, D.C was the most “attended” event on Facebook. With more than 500,000 people marking themselves as “interested” or “attending” it on Facebook.

To select its top “moments,” Facebook first looked at data from Jan. 1 2017 to Nov. 1, 2017, to determine the moments with the highest volume of keywords on any single day, and then among those, selected the ones that saw high increases from last year to this year.

International Women’s Day which is celebrated across the globe each year on 8th March was a catalyst for the ‘Day Without a Woman’ strike and “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”. The volume of conversation around International Women’s Day has doubled from 2016 to 2017, according to Facebook’s statistics. Over 165 million people worldwide discussed the topic on Facebook, and more than 200 countries celebrated the day.

Since the dawn of the suffragettes, women have been fighting for social, economic and political equality. 2017 has never been a more exciting time to be a woman on the forefront of dismantling hundreds of years of oppression through activism. The crusade to hold men accountable for crimes is thriving and the continued normalising of violence against women is shifting as women are finally being heard.

To see more from Facebook’s Year in Review, read the company’s release here.

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