Welcome to the New Year! With a new year should come a new and better you! New years resolutions are a great way to change something in your life you have been meaning to make better for yourself. Whether it is taking up better eating habits, or promising to exercise more. But, it can be difficult to keep up with a resolution for a whole year. Temptation can mock even the strongest of minds and will powers. To help you with your New Year’s temptations here are ten positive mantras to help you stick with your resolutions:
- Temptation is out there, it’s okay to be tempted, but I will survive this temptation.
2. I can do this!
3. A new year leaves plenty of time for change.
4. I have made it _______ days, I can make it another _______ days.
5. If I make a mistake, try and try again.
6. Do not give up on a whole year resolution just because I messed up one day
7. If I find my resolution unmanageable I can make it more manageable for myself.
8. I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself.
9. I can ask for support and help which doesn’t take away from the success of my resolutions.
10. I will make this year, MY year!
Just repeat some of these mantras when you are having a weak moment throughout this New Year! Repetitive use of mantra’s spoken out loud can help you succeed. So, repeat some of these mantra’s to help your new years resolutions, because remember, you can succeed and fulfil your resolutions.