The greatest things about marriage

wedingExchanging vows with the love of my life at 21, I am a firm believer that getting married young enriches your life in ways you wouldn’t imagine. It’s easier to build good habits, combine lives, and learn how to become financially stable together. It may not be for everyone but if you’re ready and know you’re with the right person, why wait?

Despite what culture may say, I am convinced many great aspects surface when you get married at a young age.

1) You get to come home to your spouse every night.

Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you can’t have a successful career or go out for a drink with your girls. It simply means that afterwards, you have the privilege of going home to your spouse. There’s really nothing better than relaxing in his arms after a long, tiring, or exciting day. It’s fun to look forward to!

2) You always have a support system.

I call it having your own personal cheerleader. You’re jogging through life and your spouse is constantly your biggest fan, cheering you along the way. You’re always supporting each other in your passions, dreams, and goals.

3) You get to do everything side-by-side.

Big things like traveling the world, to little things such as bringing home Chinese takeout or enjoying a simple walk in the park. You’re guaranteed an adventure bExchanging vows with the love of my life at 21, I am a firm believer that getting married young enriches your life in ways you wouldn’t imagine. It’s easier to build good habits, combine lives, and learn how to become financially stable together. It may not be for everyone but if you’re ready and know you’re with the right person, why wait?

4) You have an earlier start to building your life together.

My husband brought this up and I think it’s a brilliant point. While of course there is no rush, it is absolutely a benefit if you choose to get married at a younger age. You have more time to enjoy marriage without being in a rush to have kids.

5) You learn, grow, and mature together.

You don’t have everything figured out but the exciting thing is you figure out life together, hand-in-hand. You challenge each other in ways that grow you while helping you learn along the way. Ultimately, you make each other a better person. My favorite part is that you learn the hard lessons earlier on and learn how to work through them.

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